Friday 21 November 2008

Dover, wherefore art though?

Dover, the White Cliffs, the Lock and Key of the Kingdom, Hellfire Corner, Dovor, Dubris - names and visions of Britain's history and heritage that ring down throught the ages.

The town that faced the might of Napoleon, who's Army gathered ready to invade on the hills around Calais just 21 miles away. The town that stood in 1940 as a bulwark against the Nazis, the Battle of Britain being raged overhead, then shelled and bombed. Those white cliffs, a symbol of homecoming that inspires generations of Englishmen and women.

What of Dover's present and future?

Dover has had its commercial lifeblood sucked out of it. Just who are the villains?

The Dover Harbour Board, inward looking and worried only about its own interests, it does little or nothing for the town outside the confines of the harbour. The world's busiest seaport should mean a prosperous town, no, a rich port but a poor town.

Then there is Canterbury and its hinterland, just a few miles up the road it grows fatter and fatter, a magnet for commercial enterprises of all kinds. Why on earth would any shop want to open its doors in Dover when there is Canterbury. However overpriced its rents, however crowded sweaty and uncomfortable it is, however congested, that is where retails outlets want to be, not poor old Dover.

Let us not forget Dover Council. First the old Borough and its post-war planning disasters. Dover District Council then emerged in the 1970's and were no better. At one point it seemed to get its act together in the late '80s when threatened by the Channel Tunnel. But no, more failure, the White 'Elephant' Experience was a financial disaster, opening as it did as a recession took hold. Then a change of political complexion in the mid-1990's resulted in an irresponsible and spendthrift Council throwing away what was left of the Council's cash reserves, with nothing to show for it. Another change of political complexion resulted in a rebuilding of finances and a new energy and spirit of regeneration... But now with so little progress being achieved we can be excused for thinking the town is facing yet more failure and disappointment.

Within the last decade a new Town Council was established. Why? What is it for? No-one really knows. You can write their achievements on the back of a postage stamp. They raise a bigger and bigger precept every year and have nothing much to show for it. It is all about who wears the chain, about ego and self-importance.

Let us not forget the Member of Parliament. A Welsh bloke called Gwynfor Prosser who passes himself off as an East Kent local! One of life's backbenchers who is going no-where fast. A lazy no-body who has failed miserably to make any impact in Parliament and who's main achievments are photocalls. A man who campaigned to save the hospital in opposition, complacently allows its decline when elected with hardly a whisper.

A special mention now of the Leader of Dover District Council, Paul Watkins. A man of considerable experience and ability but what is there so far to show for it - nothing. OK under his leadership the Council's finances have been restored and there is a lot of talk about re-generation plans but, as yet no results. Bulldozers in the middle of the town does not itself represent progress. Prone to rashness this was the man who threw away his chances of becoming Dover's MP in 2005 by saying he would privatise the Harbour Board. Foolish because it allowed Gwynfor to go into fullscale scare story mode. A local man who believes he knows Dover well should have realised what would happen. However justified such a privatisation might be, however right, however badly the Harbour Board treats the town, such an idea was destined to go down like a burst baloon.....

No single person or authority is guilty for the plight of Dover, the blame can be spread widely.

How much longer will there be World War 2 bomb sites undeveloped in prime locations? How much longer will the Crypt site, burnt down in the mid-1970's, remain derelict?

When will this so called 're-generation' show results? If ever.

Watch this space for more comment on developments in Dover, more comment of the personalities involved, their failings and, we hope their successes.....We shall see......

No-one will be safe, foolishness will be exposed, ego's burst, here on the Minet blog - be warned.

Who knows, one day someone might even be praised!

This post is dedicated to that man of the people, friend of rock stars, sharp judge of people, the astute political giant and future President of the USA, MEP and MP (simultaniously) - Mr. Victor Matcham.

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